Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This Eighth of August, 2008

Hello radio listeners!

My apologies music fans, but I missed the show this week while I attended a semi-annual meeting of the Ontario contingent of the Canadian Federation of Students . Your intrepid host even had the opportunity of grilling Premiere Dalton McGuinty's new Climate Change Secretariat about his mandate and about the Liberal push for Nuclear Energy as a "green" (read, "radioactive green") alternative to coal plants.

The gov set up a new website, http://additupontario.ca/ . Which is curiously focused entirely on what people can do to prevent climate change. The website is very poorly laid out, and the web designer seems to have gone off on a mastabatory display of his scripting prowess, which really only serves to bog the site down. The worst part, one supposes, is that in truth the information isn't particularly useful or easy to find when it is. If you want to see what the government is doing (aside from placing the responsibility on citizens instead of industry) then you can check out the Ontario Ministry of the Environment's website at http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/en/. It is appropriatelty vague and non-commital.

If you'd like to send your thoughts or concerns to the new Secretariat, well you actually can't as there is currently no public listing for the man who is supposed to save our province. So, go fuck yourself Liberal Party of Ontario.

My name is Luke Norton, and I fucking approve of this message.

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