Sunday, September 21, 2008

This Nineteenth of September, 2008

Hello radio listeners!

This week I was joined in studio for the first half of the programme by my good friend, Mr. Nelson Lafreniere, who also happens to be one of the co-hosts of Non-Sequitor Radio. His show airs at CKLU on Monday nights from 10pm to 2am. With Marcus Aurelius still out-o'-commish, I brought in some vinyl and spun some of the ol' black gold, while Nelson kicked out his jams Steve Jobs-style. The conversation of music was both beautiful and ridiculous.

So here's a little show we like to call

This Week in Braille or Wierd Fishes and Autumn Allegros

Luke said initially

  • Big Maybelle; Maybelle's Blues (3:10) from The Okeh Sessions
  • Feist; Lonely, Lonely (4:10) from Let it Die
  • Iron & Wine; Love and Some Verses (3:40) from Our Endless Numbered Days
  • Iron & Wine w/ Calexico; Sixteen, Maybe Less (4:49) from In the Reins
  • M. Ward; Eyes on the Prize (2:39) from Post-War
  • M. Ward; Magic Trick (1:45) from Post-War

To which Nelson replied

Incredulous at this gallant display, Luke retorted with

Yet, never one to accept the status quo, Nelson shouted

Intrigued by his compatriot's technique, Luke tapdanced

At this point, Nelson, faced with his growing fatigue, withdrew from the station so that he could dilligently begin work on what he liked to refer to as "Catching the Z Train to Dreamsville." Undeterred, Luke continued on, his heart heavy with longing for his old friend (yet buoyant with the knowledge that he'd be back to the station on Monday). After a deep sigh filled with both regret and hunger, Luke sang

The End (Unless, of course, you would like to email your questions, requests, and other correspondence to

Hear you next week!

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